How good sleep makes your skin look better

How good sleep makes your skin look better

A lot of people take their skin seriously today and have a lot of skincare products. While this is impressive, one of the most significant ways you can take care of your skin is to have adequate rest. This is because sleep helps with skin repair and recovery. While you should still take your skincare routine seriously, sleep should be essential.

You can even optimize sleep in your bedroom by getting beddings made of satin and even a contour pillow to improve your sleep experience.

Getting inadequate sleep can lead to a lot of skin damages, including swollen eyes, pale skin, wrinkles, and fine lines, dark circles under the eye, and so much more. Moreover, restricted sleep can drastically change a person’s appearance and attractiveness. It also takes a toll on the immune system.


Here’s how sleep affects your skin

The body undergoes repair for its vital organs and the epidermis of the skin during sleep. The body also rebuilds itself by working on your collagen and repairing damages from not using enough sunscreen during the day (UV exposure).

This repair, in turn, prevents fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and dark eye circles. To gain the most from sleep, you should use bedding materials that do not cause dry skin, such as silk. An average of seven to nine hours of sleep is also recommended.

Other ways you can help your skin through sleep include

  1. Wash your face before bed

Going to bed with a face full of dirt will do more harm than good. If you have a night of adequate sleep and still have acne breakouts and inflammation, it could be because you don’t clean your face before bedtime. You can wash your face with soap or use a gentle cleanser on your face to take off dirt and make-up. You should never go to bed with your make-up on.

  1. Use a moisturizer

If you have dry skin or you wash your face before midnight, you should rehydrate your skin by using a moisturizer on your face at night. Drinking water at night can also help rehydrate your skin. If you live in a low humid environment, you should also use a moisturizer at night. To prevent loss of this added moisture, you can seal it using petroleum jelly.

  1.  Your sleeping position matters

The position of your face while you sleep matters. The surface in contact with your skin can also damage your skin if it’s harsh. Lying down on your back means your face isn’t in touch with any surface and can reduce compression. This compression caused by your face’s contact with your bedding fabric can result in wrinkles and faster aging.



In summary, Adequate sleep can make you look younger and make your skin more supple and wrinkle-free. However, you should clean your face before bed, ensure you moisturize your skin and use bedding materials that don’t cause drying of the skin. Rather than sleeping on your stomach or on the side, you should sleep on your back.


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